Promoting quality educational services for American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian (AI/AN/NH) people in the state of Oregon.

Who We Are:
For more than 40 years the OIEA has collaborated with school districts, universities, and state officials to incorporate Indigenous knowledge into public education and to promote quality educational services to American Indians/Alaskan Natives/Native Hawaiian (AI/AN/NH) students and their families. Today, the OIEA is made up of 22 elected board members, including representation from the nine federally recognized tribes and each geographic area throughout Oregon. By bringing AI/AN/NH education stakeholders together, OIEA promotes cooperation in solving educational issues facing tribal populations in Oregon, as well as serving as a liaison for information specific to AI/AN/NH people, and supporting associations, agencies, programs, and individuals that are actively engaging with AI/AN/NH populations.

Our Why:
At the forefront of educational issues facing tribal people in Oregon are the high number of high school dropout rates (6.88% in 2018), comparatively lower graduation rates (67.7% for AI/AN compared to 80% for all, 2015-16 Cohort), over representation in special education, and underachievement in math and science. There is a lack of representation of AI/AN/NH in Oregon universities and colleges, as well as an understanding and inclusion of our unique identities, histories, and sovereignty in the fabric of these institutions.
We recognize these issues as challenges that we can overcome together, focusing our efforts on improving public education for AI/AN students, addressing achievement and opportunity gaps, and advancing our educational outcomes.
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